Saturday, January 5, 2008

I have yet to see any monetary gain...

...but I won't let rationality stop me! You see I just spent a couple minutes clicking "next blog" at the top of the screen. Apparently there is no correlation between effort put into a blog and the number of comments it receives. Well other than the fact that almost no blogs actually receive any replies.

(It's almost as if most people don't actually care what all these incredibly deep and thoughtful people think.)

But I can't let this stop me from achieving my riches. I need a plan. I haven't decided how to go about this...I'm still taking suggestions so suggére away!

(If you didn't get the hint, that means you reply to this blog and spread it to all your friends and so on and so forth.)


Thomas Nyberg said...

Apparently sucks at formatting (the last bit in this post should be a different font size). How am I supposed to work in such conditions?

Liana Alston said...

It is a different font size! And how much do you love me for commenting on your blog? So much.

I'm using HTML tags. *extra credit* .............................whoah, how does this website know that I'm Liana!!!! Ahhh!

Alex J said...

You've got to come up with original content. You seem to have an okay handle on the geopolitical/economic sphere, so I would say go with that. Try to make it somewhat edgy. You want a fanbase, so you can't be unbiased with your opinions. Instead, you should present good, balanced information so that people can come to their own conclusions, but you should also include some of your own opinions. Possibly put a humurous spin on things.